Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Green Door of Rome!

So the other night we were looking for the bus to an area to watch the sunset.  Of course, no one spoke English, and I already told you about our bad Italian, so Rich shows the map and asks if the bus goes to the statue.  Nice lady says "Si!" so we get on the bus.  As we are going, we are seeing the different streets we should be getting off at fly by.  So this nice guy says he thinks the lady misundestood us.  We said "the statue" but she thought Testaccio- an area of Rome.  So we are talking, and he said to forget the statue.  Get off the bus, walk up this hill, there will be a green door with a keyhole.  Look thru it and you will see the Vatican.  Then walk up a little further and there is a terrace with orange trees and roses, you can see the whole city.  OK?!  He seemed sane, so we followed his directions.  Amazing what happens in our lives by accident!

Rich at the Green Door.  There was actually a line for it!  We knew we were there (and we didn't fall for a joke!) when we saw the line

The Vatican thru the keyhole!!!!

The terrace, with the Vatican in the distance

Another sunset view

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