We stayed in the town of Sorrento. Actually, in Sant Agnello, just outside of Sorrento. Our hotel- Porto Salvo- was an old monestary that was converted into a hotel. Very affordable for us. The walk to Sorrento was about 20 minutes, but it was along the coast, most of the way. We were told it is completely expensive. But we found it affordable by eating in family owned restaurants, drinking our coffees at the counter rather than at tables (twice the price), and a few times we bought bread, meat and cheese, and fruit, and made our own lunches. In this way, we could easily stay our 5 days, even though we wanted to stay longer!
The peninsula is about an hour from Naples, and has an extensive (but very crowded) public bus system. We took it to Amalfi, and Ravello. We also booked a boat tour from Sorrento to Amalfi and Positano. Going by boat was awesome! You saw all the towns nestled there, and the bigger towns as you approached.
Ravello is a very small town in the hills. It is known for its vistas and the old castle, which is totally cute. We had lunch there- excellent! Wandered the town shops, but mostly sat and stared at the scenery!
Amalfi is the main town on the penninsula (and gives it the name). Crowded is not the word- I have never seen so many people. It was actually annoying, except that cute barely describes it. Amalfi Cathedral is amazing!
Positano is the post-card perfect town with multi-colored buildings climbing the hills, and sandy beach along the entire water-front. Behind the buildings as narrow curvy streets lined with shops. Amazingly cute.
Shopping, eating, and drinking really defines the area. Good quality merchandise, most made right there, is displayed everywhere. Positano is actually known for their sandles.
Every night, we got a bottle of wine and sat and watched spectacular sunsets. This is a place that I love and think everyone should go see.
As an aside, sorry but the pictures are not in order. Wifi in Italy is very iffy, so the photos did not load in order. But, it is like a puzzle, we'll just jump around!
Amalfi Town- central square looking at the Cathedral
Positano as we approached by bus
Positano- Rich and I walked in the Mediterranean Sea!
Positano- Rich in the beach-front promenade
Amalfi from the far side of town
Amalfi as we approached by boat
Amalfie beach
Selfie on the coast
Rich in a door way in Ravello
Amalfie from one side of the town
Selfie in Ravello, over-looking the penninsula
Selfie in Sorrento. As you can see, it is surrounded by cliffs!
Rich at the Sorrento City sign
Ravello Cathedral and bell tower
Ravello view of the penninsula!
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